Co-Founder and Principal
Machado Silvetti
November 7, 2023 // 7pm
Check-in & Reception – 6:15 pm
Free for Forum Members
General Admission Tickets
Available At the Door
Horchow Auditorium, Dallas Museum of Art
AIA CES Credit Available
Rodolfo Machado and Jorge Silvetti were recipients of the first ever Award in Architecture by the American Academy of Arts and Letters for “boldly conceived and brilliantly executed projects” and for being “uncompromisingly dedicated to envisioning a meaningful architecture of the public realm.” The firm has received numerous awards from the AIA, Progressive Architecture, and other regional and international awards for their distinguished body of work. Those award-wining projects include the Denver Art Museum, the Asian Art Center – Ringling Museum of Art, Chazen Museum of Art, Kennedy Center for Theatre Arts, School of Business – American University of Beirut, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Provincetown Art Museum, Scully Hall at Princeton, Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Wagner Park at Battery Park City, Walton College of Business, The Getty Villa, and UNT College of Visual Arts and Design. Internationally recognized, Machado and his colleagues have worked in Berlin, Beirut, Buenos Aires, Seoul, Singapore, Rome, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Malaysia, Vietnam and across the United States.
Rodolfo Machado was born in Buenos Aires and has resided in the United States his adult life. He studied Urban Design in Paris and UC Berkeley for his masters and doctoral studies. Rodolfo has been a member of the Harvard University faculty since 1986 and a visiting critic or professor at Carnegie-Mellon, RISD, Yale, Rice, Princeton and the University of Virginia. The studio’s writing is a recognized part of the architectural zeitgeist, and Machado Silvetti gifted their immense archives of drawings, models, and records to the Harvard GSD.
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