to the
Dr Pepper Museum
in Waco
Saturday, December 2nd // 11am-2pm
with optional late lunch and
holiday shopping after the museum
300 S. 5th Street
Waco, TX 76701

Our 3-hour visit to the museum will include:
*In-depth tour of the museum, and discussion of Dr Pepper company history
*Presentation by Waco-based preservation architect BJ Greaves on how the Waco bottling plant was renovated to create the museum
*Viewing of the interactive civil rights lunch counter exhibit, “Sit Down To Take A Stand”
*Free Dr Pepper float, and dedicated time to visit the Dr Pepper gift shop
After The Tour:
Late Lunch At The Hotel 1928, and Holiday Shopping at Magnolia Market
After our museum visit, those who are interested (and hungry!) can head to Texas’s newest historic hotel property—The Hotel 1928, located in the historic Grand Karem Shrine Temple—for a late lunch, and to check out the building, which was recently completed by Waco fixer-upper power-couple Chip and Joanna Gaines. For those who would like to do some holiday shopping, Magnolia Market and The Shops At The Silos—both located nearby—will be open until 6pm.

Why An “Out-Of-Town” Outing?
Our beloved In-Town Outings have been a staple of Preservation Dallas programming for decades. But there are some important Dallas stories that can be told better outside of Dallas, and the story of Dr Pepper is one of them. While Dallas infamously let its own decades-long connection to Dr Pepper fall to the bulldozers in 1997—with the demolition of the iconic Streamline Moderne company headquarters on Mockingbird Lane—Waco has preserved and celebrated its Dr Pepper heritage, turning its own historic bottling plant into one of the city’s leading tourist attractions.

$15 for PD members / $25 for non-members
tickets include museum admission
and a complimentary Dr Pepper float
transportation and lunch not included
carpooling highly recommended