At the Movies – Whitney Young, Jr.

At the Movies: Whitney Young, Jr.
Thursday, July 25
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Free Event
The current AIA Dallas exhibition in our Gallery space is 50 Years After Whitney Young Jr. It celebrates the American civil rights leader who spent most of his career working to end employment discrimination in the United States and turning the National Urban League from a relatively passive civil rights organization into one that aggressively worked for equitable access to socioeconomic opportunity for the historically disenfranchised. His monumental speech at the 1968 AIA National Convention challenged architects to address issues of diversity and social responsibility in the profession, and called out architects for their “thunderous silence” in the face of entrenched inequalities across American cities, starting a conversation that continues to this day.
Join us for a documentary on Young’s life and his work as one of the most celebrated and controversial leaders of the civil rights era. We’ll gather at 11:30 a.m. and start the screening promptly at noon. To RSVP, e-mail

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