About Tricia Weiner

Born in Midland, Texas, Tricia Weiner has traveled the world extensively and lived in Paris, London, Madrid and New York. She is fluent in Spanish and French, but more importantly, Tricia speaks your language.

“Maybe it’s my years of living in different cultures, or maybe it’s intuition, but, for whatever reason, people tell me I’m a really good listener. I do think I can read between the lines and hear what my clients are really telling me,” Tricia says.

After 18 years in real estate, Tricia knows that buying a home is more than a business transaction. It’s a process of refocusing your family’s life, influencing everything from the new friends you make to the restaurants you frequent, and Tricia handles each client relationship with care. Tricia is truly tenacious in the pursuit of the home or buyer you’re looking for.

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