About Sissy Tong

Are you looking for the kind of personalized service and responsiveness with a keen eye for details? If so, I can assist you with your real estate needs!

I am originally from Taiwan, then my family moved to Israel for 16 years.  My husband and I relocated to Dallas in 1986 and we have raised our 3 daughters here. Living locally for so many years, I have an extensive knowledge of the Dallas and surrounding cities and their school districts.  I speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Hebrew and English. Whether you are looking to move in or out of the area or would prefer investment properties, I can help you make those critical decisions that are often based on these pertinent factors.

I can attribute much of my 35 years of customer service successes to the fact that I have the ability to develop a great working rapport resulting with satisfied clients that enjoy referring me to their friends and families.  During those years, I enjoyed owning my own businesses with great success.  I pursued my passion for Art in college, enjoying diverse cultures along the way. These experiences have provided me with a keen eye for details, which can play a major role in assisting you with achieving your real estate needs. If you are interested in or familiar with Feng Shui, I can offer you my expertise in that field as well.

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