Randall Garrett “20/20”

December 3 – 17, 2022

This solo show consists of a grouping of twenty works by Randall Garrett from twenty years of the artist’s production. Work will be drawn from various series, including “Shine” (2003), consisting of custom collaged moonshine bottles, “Single” (2008) 45 rpm collage on vinyl records, “Tantra” (2009), mixed media works that collapse the boundaries between sacred and profane, “Garage” (2012) works which explore car culture and masculinity, and “Dreaming” (2014) text-based paintings of dream narratives.

Within the disparate threads of high art and kitsch, alleyways and highways, gallery art and performance, Garrett’s works have consistently explored the big philosophical questions around meaning, identity, and existence.

The artist’s recent solo exhibitions include “Go Thing Every Must (a thrift store retrospective)” (2022) at The Gallery Formerly Known as Bill’s Junk in Houston, “Chilangringo” (2021) at Plush Gallery in Dallas, and “Street Songs” (2021) at The Basement Lounge in Fort Worth. He has upcoming solo exhibitions scheduled at Plush Gallery (2023) and Pencil on Paper Gallery (2024).

Randall Garrett received his MFA degree from The University of North Texas in 1993, and has shown professionally since joining 500X Gallery in 1992. He was gallery director at Richland College from 1998-2009, and El Centro College from 2011-16.

Cold Soda
939 Jefferson Blvd #125, Dallas, TX 75208
contact: Daniel Yanez <whatsgood@cold—>

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